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    Friday, March 4, 2011

    Describe yourself to me in 10 movie titles

    Through my teen and adult years writing has been a passion of mine. From supernatural horror novellas staring my friends in middle school, to mystery stage plays in high school, to narcissistic blogging in my 20's... I've always picked up a pen (er, grabbed a keyboard?) at the slightest provocation.

    Aspects of writing that I didn't enjoy as much - many of the essays I did in school :P, really bad poetry (I no longer have any delusions that I can be a poet), and creative writing assignments with few parameters. Last one's a little weird right? I'm happy to write about whatever comes to mind in my format of choice, and I'm happy with very specific guidelines like 'write a witty zombie haiku that will appeal to _______ director in order to win tickets to his/her movie'. But the assignments that fall in between? No thanks.

    Since I can't very well go around telling people "write whatever you want" (well I could, but they would just think I'm an even bigger idiot), I will instead, propose a specific writing challenge to anyone who is interested (doesn't matter if I know them or not, actually it might be even better if I don't so please feel free to share this blog with all your creative friends):


    Describe yourself to me in 10 Movie Titles

    Using titles of films that actually exist, choose 10 that best describe you as a person. You can use titles that convey the message directly (ie. The 40 Year Old Virgin) or where you relate to the content or a particular character (ie. your daily life is a bunch of scenes from Office Space)

    Feel free to give a bit of an explanation why you chose the films you did (especially if it's humorous, I love a good real-life-is-funnier-than-fiction story). Or not. I mean, something like Requiem for a Dream is probably pretty self-explanatory.


    In turn I will work on the same assignment and post it here when I'm done. Along with any other lists that I receive. To submit please feel free to send me a message on Facebook, email me if you know the address, or leave a comment here and I'll send it to you.

    (As a sidenote, I formulated this idea while signing up to participate in this other writing project of sorts which seemed to be getting attention from a handful of friends, thought I should at least give this )

    Very interested to see if I get any responses. Happy compiling and writing!

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