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    Wednesday, September 14, 2011

    Still standing... (unless I'm hallucinating)

    Well, we're into the second half of TIFF and starting to suffer from lapses of concentration, judgment, and consciousness (possibly all at the same time).  I know I say this every year but, here's a few things to keep in mind that just might help you thru to day 11:

    1. Take naps whenever you can (especially if the movie is boring because the next one might be great and you don't want to nod off for that)
    2. Try smiling from time to time, it does put you and those around you into a better state of mind.
    3. Keep saying "thank you", it does make a difference.
    4. Hydrate (my rule of thumb this festival has been one cup of water for every cup of far it's kept me from feeling like complete garbage)
    5. Try to keep some greens in your diet and large quantities of sugar out (I've eaten salad 4 days out of 7 and refrained from pestering the Lindt chocolate makers at the Elgin)

    Well, that's probably the last semi-coherent thing you'll get out of me for the rest of the festival.  Keep tweeting/msg-ing me with your movie reviews!  It's been great running into so many of you!

    Happy TIFF-ing!

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