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    Monday, February 27, 2012

    The Oscar Hangover

    Did anyone else's twitter and facebook feeds spew non-stop Oscar updates last night?  Was anyone else unimpressed with Rooney Mara's dress?  Wanting Miss Piggy's hairstyle? Or the name and number of Tom Cruise's plastic surgeon?
    Is it just me, or was Penelope Cruz totally channeling Grace Kelly last night?

    Seriously though folks, wasn't it nice to have Billy Crystal back?  Aside from bludgeoning the Kodak theatre joke to death, I thought he was spot on.  There were no great surprises in terms of who got the statues, and I was delighted to see Hugo and The Artist both walk away with 5 awards each.  The Artist being the first silent film to win Best Picture since 1929!  Amazing!  Hugo took most of the technical awards, all well-deserved however I thought they could've given the Visual Effects to the Harry Potter team.  The 50/50 odds were in the Muppets' favour as "Man or Muppet" won for Best Original Song; Midnight in Paris was indeed the Best Original Screenplay; and I'd mentioned previously that there was no better edited film this year than The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and the Academy agreed.

    I'm still a bit confused as to why Berenice Bejo's role in The Artist is considered a supporting role since she was quite obviously the female lead.  Not saying she would've had a chance in the Best Actress category, but still...  And overall, despite the three nominations for Glenn Close, Janet McTeer, and make-up, Albert Nobbs on the whole was largely underrated by film audiences.  Perhaps not Best Picture material, perhaps not even deserving of more nominations than it already received, but to receive less attention than The Help (which many of my movie-going circle want nothing to do with) or The Descendants (which I want to see) as a character-driven story about personal struggle...doesn't seem right.  In that respect Shame fared worse for Academy attention, but caught many a critic's eye.  You decide which is more important.

    That wraps up another awards season, but hopefully not the end of good-movie season.  I harbor some hope for the summer blockbusters:  The Avengers, Prometheus, and The Dark Knight Rises

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