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    Saturday, December 1, 2012

    One Month Away! -- 30 Films in 31 Days

    Happy December!  Has the year flown by for anyone else besides me?  Once again we're on holiday-mode and all the madness that comes with it, but to a select group of us, December also means that it's only ONE month away until the next "30 Films in 31 Days" movie challenge!  <insert Kermit the Frog arm-flailing "Yaaaaaaay!!!!" here>

    It's year 7 of 30 Films in 31 Days and so much has changed since we first started.  Social media phenomenons and video standards such as Twitter and Blu-Ray were in their infancy (both were officially released in June 2006, the first film challenge took place February 2007), and downloading full length features was still an arduous task.  But some things never change:  ie. Winter is cold and makes you want to stay inside, and no matter how many movies you try to watch through the year, there are still tons that you need to catch up on.  So this year I've decided to update the guidelines a little, though the purpose remains the same:

    The concept is simple, it is to watch 30 movies within 31 days (during the month of January).

    Films must be feature length or equivalent (so you could technically watch a collection of shorts and it would count as one), can be on disc, digital, 35mm (whatever that is), in theatres, at home, on a plane, etc. You can re-watch movies you’ve seen before, but not watch the same movie twice.

    Participants don’t have to watch the same films (though you might enjoy the social aspect of watching movies together, your call)

    For each film, pls share the title and some thoughts on your viewing experience (as much or as little as you wish.  Please indicate in advance if there will be spoilers) and give it a rating out of 5.  The following are merely suggestions on how to share your mini-reviews: 
    • Tweet and include the hashtag: #30films31days
    • Check-in with GetGlue and add a review to your check-in
    • Join our Facebook Group, go to the "Files" tab, select "+Create Doc" and start a document that groups all your reviews together.  (This was our preferred method until Facebook made it so gosh darn complicated)
    • Join our Facebook Group, then create a gallery on your own profile, fill it with images of the movies you've watched and include your reviews in the descriptions, then include the album link in the Group's page.
    • If you have your own blog, post reviews there and then provide links to them on Facebook/Twitter/both
    So film lovers unite! This is a great way to keep yourself occupied during one of the crummiest months of the year, be able to catch up on all those movies you keep meaning to see, learn about new titles from others, and have a chance to get acquainted with and discuss your favourite movies with fellow film enthusiasts!

    Even if you’re not participating, please check back often for movie reviews!

    There are many different ways to share your reviews, and similarly there are lots of different ways to work 30 films into your schedule.  Some plan out their month, pre-select titles, and assign a film a day.  Others host movie marathons every weekend around a particular theme (continued kudos to the gang who watched the extended LOTR trilogy all in one day last year!), others wing it.  I've never had much of a method of attack, I join a movie marathon when I can and go to the theatres when my wallet allows.  I always like to include at least one silent film in my mix though, I love them but don't get around to watching them too often.

    30 films is a challenging number to some, a breeze to others.  Over the years we've developed some friendly competition amongst the major players... who will get to 30 first?  who will log the most movies? (don't presume you should stop after 30!) and who will watch the most interesting/unusual films?  These are some serious bragging rights amongst film geeks!

    Hopefully in your own way, as an active participant, curious observer, or mildly amused well-wisher, you will find a way to join in the fun!  Please spread the word to all the film fanatics you know!

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