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    Friday, July 31, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - The time Don McKellar implied I was fat

    The big countdown clock on the TIFF Festival page today is showing 40 days until the start of TIFF 2015 - also dubbed TIFF 40.

    As I alluded to in my last post, I would like to share some random TIFF-related memories for the 40 days leading up to the festival, so let's kick it off with...

    The Time Don McKellar thought I was fat!

    This one actually isn't during TIFF, but rather at TIFF's international film festival for kids, which in 2001 was still called Sprockets.

    That year I was supposed to be helping out with tech, wiring speakers, setting up equipment etc, but I had a stupid freak accident right before the festival and sprained my ankle.  Since I couldn't balance on crutches and lift speakers at the same time, they found me a desk job at Canada Square, which was signing volunteers in and out with my friend and fellow volunteer Valesca.

    Filmmaker/actor Don McKellar was at the theatre for a special Sprockets event that night and he came over to talk to then volunteer manager Bob, whom he was acquainted with.  He was quite nice, and even took a poloroid of Bob, Valesca, and I, in which the perspective of the photo made it look like Valesca and I were much larger than Bob.  Don McKellar made a comment about this, but his choice of words made it sound like he was implying Valesca and I were fat.  Mr. McKellar was quite embarrassed when he realized his poor choice of words, he got a bit flustered and even tried to back pedal, explaining that he was calling Bob shrunken, not us fat.

    (I may still have the alleged photo somewhere in my home, I will post it at a later time if I manage to find it)

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