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    Thursday, September 13, 2012

    Festival Mash-Up on TIFF Day 8

    The sun is shinning and temps are rising for day 8 of the Toronto International Film Festival... and I am stuck behind a desk until 5pm *sigh*

    So far I have watched 14 films, clocked about 32 hours of volunteering time, and only been turned away from one Rush film.  Yesterday was the first time I caught myself nodding off during a pivotal point in a film I was enjoying (I don't feel bad if I fall asleep during a boring movie at this stage of the festival), though my ability to speak in complete coherent sentences has been wavering for a couple days now. I look forward to receiving that package of t-shifts I ordered from Threadless because I suspect I might be running low on clean whimiscal t-shirts.

    There is many a tale to tell about my festival so far, from film reviews, to close encounters with celebs, to random reunions.  However with the current state of my brain, I think it's best to grab my recaps from various social media sources that I've made updates on over the past week:
    [about my first film of the fest]
    - Hitchcock even does 3D better! It was a great movie to start my fest with!

    - Perks of Being a Wallflower teaches us that geeks and weirdos make the best kind of friends.

    [one of my fav pics to take every year... the troop of volunteers at the Elgin/Winter Garden theatre]

    [re: cloud atlas - you can also read my full review HERE]
      - #TIFF12 film 12 Never thought "what?" so many times while enjoying a film so much

    [after a 7.5 volunteers shift on Day 5]
    - So tired and on auto-pilot that I just thanked my security guard for saying hi to me ! 

    [One of the reasons TIFF12 Day 4 was one of the best in TIFF history]
    - Aaaand Colin Farrell just walks down the aisle past us at the Ryerson! Didn't think this day could get any more awesome!!!

    [re: TIFF gastronomy]
    - "Enjoying" my first cereal bar of the festival, this will be replaced by "choking down" come day 10 
    - I am having a normal lunch but my breakfast was a handful of licorice allsorts

    [twitter love]
    : Feet are killing post volunteer shift. Yay for eco cab ride!” U deserve a ride more than anyone

    [re: me being deaf & blind]
    I saw u in the rush line am yelled ur name!!!!

    [Day 7 progress on TIFF Bingo]

    The Day by Day rundown (via facebook):

    Day one in the books with just one movie but have 2 P&I's planned in the morning, 8 hours of volunteering, and might join the stalkerazzi at Seven Psychopaths. Today's celeb sightings include a glimpse of Joseph Gordon Levitt, Emily Blunt's hair, and John Krasinski. Apparently I was looking elsewhere when Tom Green walked by at the Lightbox.

    Day 2: Successfully rushed 2 P&I films and made it thru the usual hectic first Friday night at the Elgin. Ran into a friend from university, a friend from the raver days, and naturally several TIFF friends. Celebs I glimpsed included Jude Law♥, Kiera Knightley and Christina Hendrick's profile. Never met a pair of 5" heels I didn't like until I saw Elle Fanning's tonight. Can't believe I missed Joss Whedon! More volunteering and movies tomorrow starting at 9am!

    Day 3: renewed luv for Alexis Denisof & Viggo, Joss Whedon premier awesomeness, mildly scaring movie imagery & need a throat lozenge

    Day 4 was one of the best in TIFF History...spent the day watching movies with friends, liked every film that I saw (4 total) Celeb sightings include: Greg Kinnear, Lily Collins, Saoirse Ronin, half of the Whedon-verse including Joss himself, and a very close encounter with Colin Farrell! Topped with autograph from Alexis Denisof and photo with Tom Lenk.

    Day 5 saw a doc & cdn film, 7.5hrs volunteering, some Ryerson-reconnecting, & caught up with peeps in midnight madness line. Need some dark circle concealer. Might have to switch to red bull for day 6
    Day 6 Last shift done! Met so many of my good friends over the last 14 TIFFs, & enjoyed meeting many new peeps this year. #tiffvolunteer

    Day 7/8 Thought last night I would be seeing movies solo, instead it turned out to be horror movies with friends! :) Tonight, gonna eat some dinner while watching Aftershock then meeting up for Asian night to see The Thieves.

    Coming soon(ish): Reviews on Pusher and Silver Linings Playbook, if you have me on facebook you can already see the photos & video from the Sep 9th screening of Much Ado About Nothing, including pic of the Whedon-verse and video of the Q&A (I left it all with Mara to upload :)) if not, guess you'll have to wait a week. 

    Tweet me about how your festival is going!  I'm considering making my next blog a collection of other people's tweets about the fest.

    Additional tip:  If you show your TIFF ticket stuff at any David's Tea location, you will receive a free cup of their delicious Movie Night tea! (thanks Darrin!)

    Happy TIFF-ing!  Keep smiling and thank the next volunteer you see! 

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