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    Thursday, September 20, 2012

    TIFF Recap Day 9-11

    Though I'm still recovering from TIFF, I thought it seemed incomplete unless I were to do quick rundowns of the rest of my festival.  So here is what my brain can currently muster:

    Total films watched (all 11 days): 28
    Favourites:  Cloud Atlas, The We and the I, Much Ado About Nothing

    Day 8(actual): Nicholas Lopez and a member of his cast weren't able to stay for a Q&A for Aftershock so they did a humourous Q&A BEFORE the screening instead.  It set a good tone and the movie was fun.  After that was the aforementioned Asian Night at the Thieves, there has to be one Asian get together at a movie every year.  Think they spoke like 5 different languages in that film.

    Day 9: Night out at the Bloor with Jason and Sachin for The Brass Teapot (which we liked) and Spring Breakers (which was mind-altering), we were joined by others for each individual show, tried out seats in balcony and main floor, and took advantage of the Bloor's liquor license (trust me, it's best to watch Spring Breakers with a drink in hand...or acid)

    Day 10: Mission 10 movies in 2 days begins with What Richard Did with Mike, surprisingly engrossing despite being a quieter, slower film - wasn't that hard to stay awake for despite it being a 9am show. I was clearly not the target audience for Jayne Mansfield's Car and that's prob why I was in the theatre without friends.  Made up for it with The We and the I, which I liked better than Michel Gondry's last 3 features (still dunno why it's getting bad reviews).  Made the dash up to Bloor cinema again for the delightful Frances Ha and the back down to Rye to finish the night with Jack at Bad 25. (I liked Bad 25, but had I known it was already on TV I would've gone to iLL Manors.)

    Day 11: Finally caught a couple more films with mom starting with Disconnect, squeezing in The Suicide Shop with Jack and Veronica in between, then the very enjoyable What Maisie Knew (was so out of my mind from exhaustion that I didn't even know I'd scheduled an Alexander Skarsgard day for myself, that was awesome).  Took a leisurely walk up to Bloor for Sightseers (I was previously told by J that it's a "sweet love story", now I'm hesitant to introduce girls to him... that aside tho I thought it was a good time) then capped off the festival with the aptly titled Fin (The End) (not perfect but I enjoyed very much regardless).

    For those who have me on facebook, TIFF12 photos are starting to surface (day 1-4 at this point, but that is the bulk of the photos)  Stay tuned for more details on the individual films that I watched:

    Dial M For Murder
    Perks of Being A Wallflower
    90 Minutes
    Silver Linings Playbook
    Much Ado About Nothing
    Stormsurfers 3D
    Cloud Atlas
    Here Comes the Devil
    No One Lives
    The Thieves
    Brass Teapot
    Spring Breakers
    What Richard Did
    Jayne Mansfield's Car
    The We and the I
    Frances Ha
    Bad 25
    The Suicide Shop
    What Maisie Knew
    Fin (The End)

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