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    Saturday, November 17, 2012

    Love Stories That Are Better Than Twilight

    To commemorate the opening of the final installment of the Twilight Saga this weekend, I would like to break open a bottle of cheap champagne, throw confetti around and shout "Good riddance" from the rooftops! But since confetti is a real pain to clean up and bad bubbly upsets my stomach, I'm just going to stick with this post.

    Though I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch Breaking Dawn Part 1, I have read through the entire series of books. I will concede that the first book is good. Maybe not as a gothic horror novel, but a coming-of-age romantic drama where we can overlook the sparkly-ness of the supposed "vampires". I experienced far more heart-wrenching moments where my chest physically ached than I'd care to admit while reading that book. Stephanie Meyer so accurately depicts the female psyche as it falls in love for the first time, no other piece of writing reminded me so much of the first time I fell in love as a teenager. (Movie Ogre: If you're reading this, I apologize for comparing our teenage selves to Edward and Bella, hopefully you're not deleting me from your facebook right now)

    The ridiculousness of these angsty adolescents with superpowers (and perfect shimmery skin) increases with each book.  The only reason I found Breaking Dawn better than 2 of its predecessors is because the story had become so over the top, with so many characters and factors about to collide, you knew it would be nothing less than a series of epic events.  Anyway, I'm not here to write you a book report...

    When the "Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight" meme first popped up, I was on it like syrup on pancakes. Someone(s) quickly began collecting them on dedicated sites such as this one.

    Some of my favourites include:

    <insert obligatory spoiler alert here>

    Though not strictly part of the "Still a Better Love Story" series of memes, this was the first one I saw and I fervently agree.  I enjoy Harry Potter a great deal, and was easy swept away by Potter mania during the release of each of the movie.  The aforementioned 'chapter' is one of my favourite things about Deathly Hallows, though there's much to choose from.  It did stir something in my heart.

    Still off-track from the original meme but a very good example.  This reminds me, I should pick up a copy of Up for myself.

    Scrat's dedication to his acorn is admirable.  How many partners have you had who would scurry past glaciers risking life and limb (and tail) to follow you?


    Wall-E traveled across the universe for Eva; Edward bailed on Bella just to soothe his guilt.  (Wall-E is one of the greatest love stories ever told though)

    This last one hasn't been made into a meme, but it's one I came up with and remains my favourite:

    Clyde was in all likelihood gay and they ended up riddled with bullets, but... 
    Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight

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