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    Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    If you're headed to the movies this week...

    Hi movie lovers and spam-bots!

    Not much time to be articulate and wordy this week (hopefully next week?) but I must pause in my daily madness long enough to tell you about 2 must-see movies playing in Toronto that you gotta catch.

    Molly Maxwell's limited engagement at the Carlton Cinemas ends Thursday (unless they extend it?  Please extend it!)  I'll use this review from TFS to sum it up as I don't have the time.  When it comes to 'coming of age' films, this is even better than Perks of Being A Wallflower (yes yes, I know there's better, but I'm grasping for recent examples in a hurry).  Molly lives the life I've always dreamed for my adolescence, to be surrounded by freaks and have parents who let me do whatever I want, but clearly emotional turmoil touches everyone as they navigate their adolescence.  There's something so fresh and authentic about the story.  It's thought provoking and relate-able, and the leads have an incredible chemistry.  I'd love to see this again sometime.

    What I need to see again now is Trance, Danny Boyle's latest, which I saw a couple weeks ago at a preview and described as "Inception but with a sense of humour" (ok maybe not quite as intellectually stimulating, my buddy and I could guess what was going on early in the movie)  It's really much more than that. Another Ada soundbite:  "It's like what Shallow Grave would have been if it had a budget", actually I had that impression right after seeing the trailer.  Unfortunately it's a limited release that's not getting the rave reviews I think it deserves.  Granted I preface every recommendation I've made for Trance with "I'm a huge Danny Boyle fan, but I thought Trance was amazing".  It's at AMC Yonge & Dundas this week and moving to the Carlton starting Friday.  Despite guessing some plot details early on, I still enjoyed watching the transfer of power between characters (one of my favourite things about Shallow Grave), Boyle's trippy cinematic style, and of course his always-stellar soundtrack.  I had a really good time and I think you might too.

    Check these films out on the big screen while you still can!

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