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    Friday, April 5, 2013

    New Blog!...In which I probably tell you nothng new...

    (I was going to update my twitter after posting this blog with the above tagline, which led me to think, why not just make it the title?)

    So I figured since I haven't been writing any new posts, I should at least tell you what I have been writing.

    My March masterpiece:

    Just when you thought it was safe to get back into the shower:

    I had a very fun weekend of watching ridiculous 90's horror movies in preparation for that.  Such memorable scenes...

    Read the article to see my final pick. ;)

    Yep, the girl who doesn't like Audrey Hepburn wrote about Audrey Hepburn.  Inspired by Vahram Muratyan, I'm trying to come up with a movie version in which I compare works about Paris & New York by directors/writers/actors/etc.  Stay tuned in the coming months for posts about Luc Besson, Woody Allen, and Julie Delphy.

    Try as I might, I'm still not a fan of Funny Face.  Breakfast at Tiffany's is pretty good though (it was my 2nd time watching both films).  Found this great still of Breakfast at Tiffany's online of Audrey looking lovely with the very adorable Cat.

    Coming up: another "What The Movies Have Taught Us" column, and I'm working on a post specifically for this blog.

    Movies I'm looking forward to seeing:  Trance directed by Danny Boyle opens next week (so excited!), and we're just over a month away from Gatsby by Baz Luhrmann.

    If you need something in between... Django Unchained, my 2012 fav, comes out on blu ray etc. on April 16th.

    Also on the 16th is the Fleetwood Mac concert in Toronto, that's not really movie-related (nor do I have a ticket to go...yet??? Contact me if you know a non-scalper that is looking to unload tickets!) but the Stevie Nicks documentary and In Conversation session at TIFF Lightbox is.

    Finally I can't in good conscience post a film blog today without mentioning Roger Ebert.  The loss of Mr. Ebert has affected not just Hollywood and the entertainment industry, it's sad reaches extend to anyone who's ever read a movie review.  His weekly show with Gene Siskel and then Richard Roeper was both informative and entertaining, from which I took diligent notes back in the pre-internet days.  At The Movies was where I first learned about the existence of a little film called Ghost World, directed by a guy named Terry Zwigoff based on some book by Daniel Clowes.  For those who know me well, you'll know that Ghost World is one of my top three films, Terry Zwigoff among my list of respected directors, and Daniel Clowes one of my favourite illustrators.  Thank you for that (among many) 5 minute review Mr. Ebert, you opened up my world and helped foster an interest in not only the movie Ghost World, but also the work of Scarlett Johanssen and the world of comic arts.

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