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    Wednesday, September 2, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - Homeless People with iPads

    With 7 days to go until the start of TIFF 15, most of us are in the advanced stages of festival prep. One of those things... getting the gear together for the overnight line.

    We're in the same spot this year (outside TIFF Bell Lightbox), which is decidedly less fun that David Pecault Square, and while thinking over how last year's experience was, I remembered a little story courtesy of my friend Brenda (and line up partner) from last year.

    I don't know if I'd stepped away or fallen asleep in my chair when this happened last year, and I apologize if I get the finer details wrong, this is roughly what I recall Brenda telling me...

    Passers-by have always thought the idea of people lining up overnight for movie tickets is nuts, no matter where we are we've been asked year after year "what are you lining up for?... Movie tickets?? Like, to buy movie tickets???"

    The number of disbelievers grew as single ticket day got moved to a weekend day, as there is more night time traffic on Fri/Sat.  Then the spot right along the King St. sidewalk brought us in closer proximity with late-night clubers, etc. than ever before...

    Now, I don't know what we really look like to other people, but crazy is a fair assessment.  We're lined up on the street with camping chairs and overnight bags, our snacks and personal electronic devices spread out like it's our living room.  We're also in the most comfortable clothing possible because we ain't gonna spend 20 hours in dress shoes and a ball gown, so I guess there is a chance we may resemble freshly-showered hobos...

    Anyway, last year at some point in the evening Brenda overheard a couple's conversation as they were walking by...

    A guy remarked loudly "How do all these homeless people afford iPads?"

    His girlfriend calls him something to the effect of 'idiot' and says "They're not homeless! They're waiting to buy tickets."

    So ya, ladies and gentlemen, I think that says it all what we look like to drunk strangers as they're stumbling by... 

    Proud moment... :P

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