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    Thursday, September 3, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - Whedon-verse day

    Celeb moments come big and small at TIFF, but that "big" vs "small" can also be subjective depending on the person and which star they're coming in close proximity to.

    I've mentioned some of the A-listers I've come in contact with, and I'm not going to lie, standing six feet away from Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is awfully exciting. But a celebrity that isn't on the front page of every tabloid can certainly make your day/week/festival too.

    In 2012 Joss Whedon brought his stylish vision of Much Ado About Nothing to the festival and the Whedon-verse cast with him.  I consider myself a Joss Whedon fan though I cannot claim to have seen everything he's made.

    One of the screenings of the film was at the Elgin on an afternoon that I happened to be captaining.  So like an exemplary volunteer, I stood back and calmly watched as Mr. Whedon came along the sidewalk from the north side and signed autographs before meeting up with the rest of his cast of regulars on the red carpet.

    When the opportunity arose later, I also ducked into the theatre to catch a bit of the fantastic Q&A (hey, it's a Shakespeare play, it's not like there will be many spoilers).  It was like a classed up version of a con panel!

    The real fan girl opportunities came a few days later when my friend Mara and I went to attend a repeat screening at the Isabel Bader theatre.

    Now with 2nd and 3rd screenings, filmmakers and cast are not guaranteed, we had no idea who was going to show. Still, I was excited to see the movie and I don't think I could've chosen a better companion to see a Joss Whedon movie with (and if you knew how many Whedon fans I'm friends with...) Mara is such a huge fan that she named her dog after Joss.

    We were near the front of the ticketholders line when Whedon once again just came walking up along the sidewalk...

    Mara got a chance to talk to him while I snapped dozens of badly framed photos.

    The film once again included an intro from Whedon.

    and a Q&A with the full cast (minus Nathan Fillion this time)

    Tom Lenk and Alexis Denisof

    After which some of the cast wandered outside the Bader to sign more autographs, take picks, and chat with the fans!

    Got Alexis Denisof's autograph...

    ...and a photo with Tom Lenk
    Better than any Fan Expo autograph/photo package, and one of my most memorable days at TIFF!

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