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    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    Better to burn out or fade out?

    Well I'd love to log my first movie review of TIFF of Jane Campion's Bright Star except that they had the last reel (or what I assume must be the last reel given the time) loaded backwards

    haha rather amusing from where I'm sitting now, but at the time I was rather annoyed.  Kudos to the Varsity staff member who solved the volunteer voucher issue in a jiffy.  It's true this was the only screening of Bright Star I was able to attend, but as volunteers often have an opportunity to see part of the 2nd film of the night at the Elgin, I think I will take advantage of that perk tomorrow night and step into the theatre around 10:30 to find out how this little film ends

    Thus far I recommend the first 1.5 hrs of Bright Star, I'll let you guys know how the final quarter affects my overall opinion.

    Now to dash home for some dinner before heading back out to rush Broken Embraces.

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