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    Sunday, September 13, 2009

    Mayhem & Movies on Day 3

    Call me a sap, but I think the coolest parts of today was running into some old faces from University - Wendy Foster who shot my 4th year film and Catherine MacKinnon who currently lives in LA!  Also in town from old Rye High is my good friend Rick Davis, whom I've yet to see.

    Spent 9-5 at the Elgin where we had the repeat screening of The Informant with Mr. Soderbergh and then Hugh Heffner and his bunnies showed up for the documentary about him.  For a day shift, especially one where I'm back to back with Marguerite at the Winter Garden, I would have to say it was pretty darn hectic.  Not that it took away from my enjoyment of part one of Fancy Hat Weekend for the Volunteers of Elgin/Winter Garden though.

    Movie-wise, getting into film #3 - Daybreakers at midnight last night was harrowing!  For the first time in who knows how long (ever?) almost the entire rush line got shut out! (Kudos to MM & Colin but crappy for the rest of us!)  Had to play every card to get myself into the theatre, so taken by surprise were all of us that I even had to leave poor Eddy outside after he lined up for me since 10pm (I owe ya one man).  I was lucky J's quick on his feet because Daybreakers so far is my top pick of the fest, whether you're a horror/sci-fi fan or not, if you can stomach a little (ok, a decent amount) gore, you HAVE to check this one out.

    Successfully rushed My Queen Karo, which is really a delight.  It's got some otherwise controversial imagery but it never feels exploitative (is my grammar off there?), the girl gave such a good performance and the entire film was very engaging.  Completely unrelated to the film itself, I had to do a ticket hand-off to Ryan M. and the lights had just gone down when I entered.  Could've been quite a pickle had I not literally walked right into Ryan as he was coming out to find me lol.  It was one of those moments where we weren't quite sure it was the other except it had to be. (maybe you had to be there.) 

    Got the 4 for 1 hook-ups for I, Don Giovanni after that, even rounded up Adrian so we could see a film together - the first one we've seen together at RTH since Spider!  I can't say I'm familiar with Carlos Saura's work but his vision combined with his cinematographer's was stunning!  I have to admit, it was quite a bit of opera for someone on 4 hrs sleep after a full day of volunteering, but I knew what I was going to, and I don't know too many people who've had more musical training than Adrian and I so we can completely appreciate it, are familiar with the characters etc.  Not gonna lie, I was struggling for the greater part of it, but forced myself to keep my eyes open just to see the lovely costumes and visuals.

    Just finished up some 1am grocery shopping (I figured it was my only chance), going to scrounge for lunch food and pack up my bag, then grabbing some sleep before going back to the Elgin for 9:30.

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