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    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    Spoon Feeding You the Anticipation

    They say trailers suck, it's the flashiest 90 seconds of footage in the movie, often give away too much of the story, or else have nothing to do with the movie! But still, I know you want to see these...

    Just a handful of films I'm hoping to check out at TIFF 09

    In 1993 Jane Campion brought The Piano to TIFF, clearly I was too young to attend then, but that was the first I'd ever heard of her and The Piano still remains a favourite film to this date. Alongside Campion, I'm also a sucker for period romantic dramas, so it must come as no surprise I'm drooling over Bright Star.

    The only hitch in this? My schedule currently does not let me attend any of the public screenings :( Keep your fingers crossed for me that I'll be able to catch a Press & Industry.

    Pardon the entertainment show on the front & back end of this, the Broken Embraces trailer. Despite seeing her in a number of good performances over the years - most recently in Woody Allen's Vicky Cristina Barcelona, I'm always reassured to see that Penelope Cruz can act. Thanks for completely ruining my image of her Hollywood! (You too Tom Cruise!...For ruining practically everything you touch) Those who've also seen and loved Volver probably can't wait for this new Almodovar film.

    Playing back to back with Broken Embraces on opening night at TIFF 09 is Lars Von Trier's Antichrist. I wouldn't go so far to say I'm a Von Trier's fan so much one who is fascinated by his work. Look at this trailer, it's fascinating! :P Not to mention Charlotte Gainsbourg, little Miss-Slightly-Strange-Looking but plenty intriguing!

    Micmacs A Tire-Larigot (don't ask me to say this out loud) sold me more in its style and cinematography than story perhaps, I might just be saying this because my french is lousy and I didn't understand over half of what is being said here without subtitles. All the same, one tends to place a lot of trust in the man who gave us Le Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain.

    It's rare these days to go a year without some sort of Johnnie To representation at the festival. However this works for me since I'm a fan. This is his French/Chinese Noir foray staring Jonny Halliday entitled Vengeance - which more or less gives away the plot right there haha. What's with that 1 second flash of sex scene in the trailer? I guess you can always count on the Chinese to know what sells. LOL.

    Johnnie To also produced another film that's at the Festival, one with a very interesting premise (adequately but very plain & simply summed up in the Cantonese voiceover). I hope it's as good as it sounds.

    And the last film in this entry needs no intro. The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus by Terry Gilliam staring the late Heath Ledger among an all-star cast. Enough said.

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