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    Tuesday, September 15, 2009

    In the ticket line for Vengeance on Day 6

    It's not another year at TIFF without a Johnnie To film so here we are on Gerrard, catching up and catching a quick bite.

    Only problem with blogging amidst a crowd of friends... is you are terribly distracted.  Hearing some buzz about Bad \Lieutenant 2.

    Jean Charles was more Brazillian than British - than I expected, not that it was bad.

    Film Recap halfway through day 6:

    1 Bright Star
    2 Broken Embraces
    3 Daybreakers
    4 My Queen Karo
    5 I, Don Giovanni
    6 Accident
    7 Loved Ones
    8 Wheat
    9 Invention of Lying
    10 Bitch Slap
    11 Jean Charles

    What have you seen so far?  Recommendations?

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