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    Tuesday, September 22, 2009

    Day 13 and still recovering

    10 days, 30 films, 4 volunteer captain shifts, 2 cabs, 4 naps during screenings, 2 autographs, and 1 party

    And all too soon, another TIFF has wrapped.  My last few days became so hectic I began shedding all things non-detrimental, and after a while that included my netbook.  Let me tell you, it's easier to "run" from venue to venue without it.

    I saw my best films in the final days of the fest and hope to share my reviews soon.  Some friends complained of mediocrity this festival, I would agree my picks weren't the best they ever were, and it ended on a very mediocre note with Ong Bak 2, but I wouldn't say it was bad (the fest, not Ong Bak 2, that was blatantly bad)

    Many of us comemorated the end of TIFF by sleeping more in one night that we had for 1.5 weeks, and met up that evening at the Staff & Volunteer Party.  Then the return to real life, which has been anti-climatic to say the least.

    I hope you will check back in the days to come for the full reviews.

    Can't wait for TIFF 2010!

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