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    Saturday, August 8, 2015

    #AdasTIFFmems - The first friend I made at TIFF

    I have many celebrity-related stories to share, but I also have a lot of tales of friendship to share.

    Some are tales of a particular time and place, some span longer periods of time.

    I like to refer to my old friend Eugene as sort of a 'big brother' to me.  I actually met him my very first year volunteering where we both helped out at the sign-up sessions.  We exchanged emails (that was pretty technologically-advanced of us in '99) and he started sending hellos and checked in a couple times a year to see how I was doing.

    We'd see each other during pre-fest, during the festival he captained at the ROM and I at the Elgin. After he stopped volunteering, we became hockey buddies meeting several times a week to catch Leaf games, we became regulars at the neighborhood Shoeless Joe's where the staff knew us by name and had a regular booth reserved for us.

    Life doesn't allow us to meet quite as often anymore, but we still exchange SMS's regularly, go to movies, and meet for coffee 16 years later.

    [We have a handful of pics together, but Eugene's not the type to appreciate having his photo splashed across the internet so I will refrain from posting]

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