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    Tuesday, August 4, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - The time I played frisbee at 3am

    The time mentioned in the subject heading may not be entirely accurate, but this story did take place in the wee hours of morning.  As I mentioned in a previous post, you can expect a number of "overnight line" stories and this is one of them.

    It was one of the first years that the TIFF Box Office was at Metro Centre, with the line-up snaking along the King St. entrance, around into David Pecault Square Park.  If I remember correctly, this is the year Sachin, Jae, Eddy, Brenda, and I were all camped out together.

    When we say 'camp out' we don't mean we're stuck in that one spot for 16 hours, we often spot friends joining the line and go talk to them, or make coffee runs etc. I was wandering around the back of the line out of boredom in the middle of the night when I noticed two guys throwing a frisbee around.

    This was during a time when I still played pick-up Ultimate Frisbee, so I was eager to join in. I could practice my throws and stretch my legs a bit.  The three of us tossed the frisbee around for a while, we did a round of intros after where I learned the two guys didn't know each other either. How cool that three random people waiting to buy movie tickets could have this opportunity.

    Hours later after the sun had risen and we had all packed up our gear in anticipation of the box office's opening, I spotted the guy who'd brought the frisbee.  "Good luck with your tickets!" I said to him.  To which he replied "Oh, I'm not here for tickets."


    I went back to my spot and told Sachin what had happened, to which he speculated "Did this guy just happen to walk by David Pecault Square at 3am with a frisbee, or did he pruposely come by with a frisbee knowing that people would be here and might want to play?"

    We'll never know.

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