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    Thursday, August 27, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - Friends that pre-date TIFF

    So by now I think I've adequately proven how many great friends I've met while volunteering.  I am living proof that TIFF is a great place to make friends.

    But how about those instances when you bring your friends into the TIFF fold?

    I mentioned Jae yesterday, and others that I see every year at the fest, but let's focus on those whom I convinced to join me in volunteering.

    The first friends I persuaded to get involved with TIFF were Scott (and I believe Richie?), who joined me as a volunteer for a year or two in the early 00's.  Subsequently there was Mel and Chris who both volunteered with me at the Elgin and served alongside me as Volunteer Captains at our beloved theatre.  My oldest friend (whom I've known since kindergarten) Adrian even tried her hand at volunteering one year.

    However, please allow me to brag when I say my greatest gift to TIFF was this guy:

    Photo circa 1993!

    Here's a slightly more recognizable photo...

    His name is Christopher and you may know him from such venues as the Varsity, Scotiabank, and even showcasing his installations at Digi Playspace two years in a row!

    Christopher and I grew up on the same street in south Etobicoke and have gone to school together since we were 10.  We were across the street neighbors and learned to skip school at an early age to watch Aliens instead (true story, I got into a lot of trouble).

    Even though we went our separate ways for some years, we reconnected when I was at film school at Ryerson and he was studying animation at Sheridan.  He worked on almost all of my film projects in the latter part of my program and was one of the hardest working crew members I ever had on set. In turn I offered up my very poor audio mixing skills and recorded a few tracks for him and his band.

    One time Chris was over at my place for a bbq and he brought along a girl named Irene, she was a little gothy and super nice.  I'm guessing TIFF-ers will recognize her too...?

    Fast forward 10+ years, and Christopher and Irene are not merely one of my favourite couples, but also a stellar art duo as well.  Catshrine's installations have been featured at TIFF's Digi Playspace the past two years and they will be participating in Festival Street for TIFF 15 as well.

    I ran into Christopher this past weekend at TIFF Bell Lightbox, here's a pic of us all grown up (well not really, but looks are deceiving)...

    Bonus pic:

    How I learned the hard way that it's not a good idea for me to get into leaf fights...
    (I can't find the photo of us spending half an hour picking leaves out of my hair)

    My best guess is that this is 1994/95...

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