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    Sunday, August 16, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - sometimes you can't keep the fans off the celeb, and sometimes you can't keep the celeb off the fans

    This is another Elgin story (I know, I know, you're wondering how many stories do I have that are not from the Elgin...?) and one of former volunteer Captain/current FOHA Davor's favourites. When I first mentioned on Facebook that I had to come up with my favourite TIFF stories, he was quick to remind me of the Viggo story. So this one's for you buddy...

    Viggo Mortensen's been to the Elgin theatre twice, memory completely fails me now which two films he was here for, but we'll certainly never forget his red carpet appearances.

    For his first visit, we had the street pretty secured.  Barricades were set up at the median of Yonge St. and fans asked to stand along the opposite sidewalk.  Viggo arrived to the expected amount of hoopla, after exchanging a few pleasantries on the carpet and posing for some pics, he decided to heed the call of his fans and took to the street.

    Fans cheered louder as he approached. Viggo went to grasp one of the barricades, thinking he could just slide them apart and slip through the barrier, however they are linked a little more securely than that.  After a couple attempts, Viggo Mortensen jumps over the barricade in one quick motion, not even messing up his dress shoes or suit, leaving the rest of us (his security detail) ill-equipped to follow.

    The female rep who was supposed to escort him struggled with the heavy barricade, and the rest of us tried to relay messages of needing assistance, all the while Viggo signed autographs and took pictures with his fans.  Finally our fearless leader David was also able to get over the barricade arrived to accompany Mr. Mortensen and eventually escorted him back.

    Years later when we heard Viggo was coming back, we immediately had flashbacks to this incident.  This time, after he stepped out of his car, he couldn't even be bothered with the press and carpet, he went straight for the fans again!  We were better prepared this go-round, but it just goes to show, you gotta watch out for those celebs who can't keep away from their fans. ;)

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