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    Thursday, August 6, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - A little gratitude goes a long way

    TIFF isn't just about the celebs, except it is about the celebs.  As much as you vehemently deny being a stargazer, you're still going to have those "wow" moments when Jessica Chastain goes zipping past you to sign autographs.

    That isn't my story though (even if it did happen twice - 2 yrs in a row).

    Recognizing that mega stars see thousands of people in a day and faces are a blur, it's still nice to be on the receiving end of some form of acknowledgement.  I can still remember the first and last celebrity that took the time to thank me (both at the Elgin).

    The first was Dustin Hoffman.  We were doing security on the red carpet, forming a bit of a human blockage to keep the crows back.  Mr. Hoffman got out of his car and started up the carpet, I was one of the first volunteers he saw, and he greeted me with a smile and "thank you".

    Last year I was at stage door checking on my volunteers, and the crowd out there was thick with onlookers as (I realized too late) Morgan Freeman was due to exit any minute.  With security inside and a crowd I had no hope of pushing through outside, I was stuck at the door.  As I held it open Mr. Freeman walked through, also taking the time to thank me.

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