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    Monday, August 10, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - WTF moments are best shared with friends

    The tales of friendship continue in today's #AdaTIFFmems

    I've mentioned my friend and fellow film enthusiast Sachin before in this blog.  We've lost track of how many years we've known each other (we tried to figure this out last week and the best we could come up with was "over 10 years"), but we did calculate that 95% of our friendship has been spent in either clubs and raves, or else at TIFF and TIFF-related events.  I feel like half the TIFF lingo I use, I created with Sachin.

    The other thing Sachin and I seem to share is "What the fuck?" moments.

    Along with trying to figure out the duration of our friendship, we also spent some time last week discussing the time we saw The Skin I Live In.

    It was the last day TIFF 2011, we had both seen about 25 films each at this point, including many a late night at Midnight Madness (especially Sachin as he is a MM blogger) when we staggered into TIFF Bell Lightbox early in the day for what is indisputably Almodovar's most messed up film.

    I don't know if the TIFF sysnopsis didn't allude to the extreme content, or if we both misinterpreted what we read, or what...?

    Those who have seen this film hopefully know what I mean.  Those who haven't, let's just say for a guy who's known for family & relationship comedies and dramas (some dark, others less so),  this is off the charts.  It's a psychological... something, and even if I'd been prepared for what I was about to see, I still would have considered it pretty bizarre.

    But we weren't prepared! We were extremely sleep deprived, in a highly impressionable state, and thought our brains were going to explode during the movie.

    After the credits rolled and the lights came up, Sachin and I kind of looked at each other in a daze, and said "that was not the movie I was expecting to see. What the heck did we just watch?" I remember my brain pretty much stopped functioning after that movie, and it really set a tone to Sachin's day. The movie disturbed us to the very core, so much so that we still remember it vividly to this day.

    (We have both since re-watched The Skin I Live In, even when you're mentally prepared it's still a mind-fuck.)

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