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    Monday, August 31, 2015

    #AdaTIFFmems - The time I showed Ralph Fiennes how much I loved his film by falling asleep

    I don't know if this qualifies as a favourite memory so much as it's something I remember.  Something awkward (and therefore amusing) I might add.

    In a recent festival Ralph Fiennes was at the Elgin to premier his film, he was scheduled to introduce the film and then sit with the audience to watch it.

    The inside rep reserved Mr. Fiennes and his co-star some aisle seats and upon learning that I would also being going to see the movie after my volunteer shift ended, asked me if I would like the two seats in front of Mr. Fiennes as I could be trusted not to go psycho-fan and start harrassing the stars (I don't guarantee I could do this for every star, but Ralph Fiennes, yeah, I could refrain from gawking.)

    Intros and seating went smoothly, and the rep led Mr. Fiennes and Felicity Jones to their seats.  I remember Mr. Fiennes being confused by the chorus of "AAAARRRRRR!!!s" during the anti-piracy ad, and then the film got going...

    ...and I started nodding off :O

    I don't want to knock his directorial efforts, I'm sure the film is very good under the right circumstances, but it was a slower-moving period drama and I was feeling some mid-festival fatigue. I'd start to nod and then remember "Crap! Ralph Fiennes is right behind me! He's going to see me sleeping during his movie!"

    I tried my best to slump lower in my seat so he couldn't tell I was unconscious for half the movie... #filmfestivalproblems

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